Line Police Road, Bundi-323001
Emmanuel Sr. Sec. School Bundi
Established in 1980. Spread across 2.5 Acres. School Code 10415
Affiliated to C.B.S.E. Delhi with #1730159 till 31/03/2029
Registered under E.E and Charitable Society.
Sport is on offer to all age groups at Emmanuel Senior Secondary School. All year groups have PE classes each day timetabled in to the curriculum. It plays a central role in supporting the ethos of the school and a first class education. Emmanuel Senior Secondary School has a strong reputation for sport and there is a demanding and growing fixture list, with depth in teams, backed up by extensive playing fields and facilities. The majorities of students flourish in school or house teams, while some progress to district, state and national level. There is an opportunity for all pupils to maximize their potential via an extensive co-curricular program which is second-to-none. Students can participate in a rich range of sports commensurate with their abilities and every student should be able to find a skill to become engaged in. Teamwork is fostered, leaders are identified and developed and Students learn much about themselves and others; sport is a vehicle for personal development.